Ministry Leadership Certificate

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The purpose of the Ministry Leadership Certificate is to train leaders in local Seventh Day Baptist churches who are already performing or feel called to perform ministry functions, regardless of whether they are officially carrying the title “pastor” at present.


Students applying for this program should be recommended by their local churches for admission to the program, with the local church prepared to take responsibility for providing the students with the opportunity to serve and exercise their gifts under the guidance of church leadership. Students applying for the program should be at least 18 years of age.

Required Courses for Ministry Leadership Certificate:

SDBU 201: Ministry Leadership in the Church

Prerequisites: None

Expected Time Investment: 13-15 weeks

Description: To help church leaders learn the role of a ministry leader in the local church and how to understand and use leadership in a congregational government. This creates healthy churches and leaders by helping them to understand and clarify what the role of church leader looks like and how a healthy church leader functions. To help church leaders become better stewards of time and effort through biblical productivity. This creates healthy churches and leaders by helping them use their time and talents more effectively so that  the ministry of the church is ordered and flourishes.


SDBU 210: Bible Interpretation (English Bible)

Prerequisites: None

Expected Time Investment: 15-18 weeks

Description: This course introduces the student to the tools and methods necessary for an inductive study of the Bible. The student’s coursework will culminate with the writing of an exegetical paper 10-12 pages in length on a selected passage from Ephesians.


SDBU 211: Bible Preaching *

Prerequisites: SDBU 210

Expected Time Investment: 15 weeks

Description: Seventh Day Baptists value biblical preaching. This course introduces the student to the tools and methods necessary for preparing, developing, and delivering biblically sound sermons.  The student’s coursework will also provide tools to assess one’s ministry context. Finally, the course will culminate with writing and videotaping a sermon which will be evaluated by the instructor.


SDBU 220: Old Testament Survey

Prerequisites: None

Expected Time Investment: 13-15 weeks

Description: An introduction to the literature and content of the Old Testament from the beginning of the biblical narratives to the intertestamental period.  Attention will be given to the cultural, geographic, political and historical backgrounds necessary to understand the text in its proper context.  An introduction to the archaeological and academic concerns around the OT texts will be given.  The form of the OT texts (genre, etc.) will also be considered.


SDBU 230: New Testament Survey

Prerequisites: None

Expected Time Investment: 13-15 weeks

Description: An introduction to the literature and content of the New Testament from the Gospels through Revelation.  Attention will be given to the cultural, geographic, political and historical backgrounds necessary to understand the text in its proper context.  An introduction to the archaeological and academic concerns around the NT texts will be given.  The form of the NT texts (genre, etc.) will also be considered.  


SDBU 250: Introduction to Theology

Prerequisites: SDBU 210, 220 & 230

Expected Time Investment: 13-15 weeks

Description: This course introduces the discipline of Systematic Theology from an evangelical perspective andprovides a survey of key topics in the discipline. The course is intended to help the student betterunderstand and articulate their faith in the context of the Biblical witness and to appreciate howwhat we believe influences how we live.


SDBU 260: Introduction to Evangelism & Apologetics

Prerequisites: None

Expected Time Investment: 13-15 weeks

Description: An introduction to the areas of evangelism and apologetics, with a view towards equipping those serving in pastoral roles with the basic tools necessary to share the Gospel with confidence in a diverse and multi-cultural world, both inside and outside the church.  Focus will be given to identifying the nature of the Gospel biblically, to specific strategies that can be used in the work of evangelism, and finally, to some basic tools pastors and leaders can use to defend the faith.  


SDBU 261: Introduction to Missions

Prerequisites: None

Expected Time Investment: 13-15 weeks

Description: A broad overview of missions looking at the biblical basis for missions, missions history, the current state of the world, mission strategy, and culture. The course focus is to actively engage students in missions activity in their current context and broaden thinking around how individuals and churches in North America can become involved with missions to the unreached.


SDBU 280: Practical Ministry Skills

Prerequisites: None

Expected Time Investment: 8-10 weeks

Description: To help church leaders learn some basic practical ministry skills so that they may begin or enhance their current ministry to their congregation. This creates healthy churches and leaders by giving them the practical skills and knowledge to lead through service to God and the congregation.  


Possible Course Sequence (2 years):

Year 1: Fall  (taken concurrently)

      1. SDBU 201: Ministry Leadership in Church
      2. SDBU 210: Bible Interpretation (English Bible)

Year 1: Winter/Spring (taken concurrently)

      1. SDBU 211: Biblical Preaching
      2. SDBU 280: Practical Ministry Skills

Year 2: Fall (taken concurrently)

      1. SDBU 220: Old Testament Survey
      2. SDBU 250: Into to Theology

Year 2: Winter/Spring (taken concurrently)

      1. SDBU 230: New Testament Survey
      2. SDBU 260: Intro to Evangelism & Apologetics