How to Become an SDBU Student:


1: Complete the Admission Application for SDBU Certificate Programs.

2: Submit the $50 application fee. (This will be invoiced to you after the submission of your application.)

3. After being admitted to SDBU, register for classes. Scroll down to view a list of current and upcoming SDBU classes.


If you have any questions, please contact us at or call (608) 752-5055 ext. 701.


 SDBU Certificates


Spring 2025 Term Course Offerings

(February 2nd – May 25th, 2025)


SDBU 211: Biblical Preaching

This course introduces the student to the tools and methods necessary for preparing, developing and delivering biblically sound sermons. The student’s coursework will culminate with writing and videotaping a sermon which will be evaluated by their instructor and their classmates.

SDBU 211: Biblical Preaching

This course introduces the student to the tools and methods necessary for preparing, developing and delivering biblically sound sermons. The student’s coursework will culminate with writing and videotaping a sermon which will be evaluated by their instructor and their classmates.

SDBU 230: New Testament Survey

An introduction to the literature and content of the New Testament from the Gospels through Revelation. Attention will be given to the cultural, geographical, political and historical backgrounds necessary to understand the text in it’s proper context. An introduction to the archaeological and academic concerns around the NT texts will be given.  The form of the OT texts (genre, etc.) will also be considered.

SDBU 260: Intro to Evangelism & Apologetics

An introduction to areas of evangelism and apologetics, with a view towards equipping those serving in ministry leadership roles with the basic tools necessary to share the Gospel with confidence in a diverse and multi-cultural world, both inside and outside the church. Focus will be given to identifying the nature of the Gospel biblically, to specific strategies that can be used in the work of evangelism, and finally, to some basic tools leaders can use to defend the faith. 

SDBU 280: Practical Ministry Skills

To help church leaders learn some basic practical ministry skills so that they may begin or enhance their current ministry to their congregation. This creates healthy churches and leaders by giving them the practical skills and knowledge to lead through service to God and the congregation.

SDBU 371: SDB Applied Ecclesiology (Polity)

This course is designed to help students learn about the governance and operations of the local church and the SDB General Conference. This creates healthy churches and leaders by helping them to understand and clarify the function and identity of a local church as a SDB church and to help students understand the responsibilities of the local church to the SDB General Conference and of the SDB General Conference to the local church. This creates healthy churches and leaders by helping them to understand and clarify the function and identity of a local church as a SDB church.